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由于视频提供商和内容所有者希望削减成本, 提高效率, 保持灵活, 他们正在将部分或全部视频工作流程转向云, 从编码和转码到打包, 存储, 数字版权管理, 和更多的.  Here you’ll find news, reviews, and analysis of the latest in cloud video services and workflows.

为五月的纽约流媒体保留座位吧. 现在注册!


This article takes a look at 12 options you can pick from when looking to produce live-switched video: Boinx mimoLive, 广播Pix教堂Pix, Ecamm生活, ManyCam, 奥林匹克广播服务公司工作室, PRISM Live Studio, Vizrt TriCaster, Telestream Wirecast, vMix, Vimeo直播工作室, 和XSplit广播


别人如何看待我们,我们如何衡量自己的进步? New data on streaming power consumption will al­low the industry to target further reductions in power consumption while working toward longer-term solu­tions that reuse old technologies alongside current best practices as a way to extend the life of streaming tech for years to come.


Nadine Krefetz writes about the ways of how to best meet the challenges of cloud media creation.


读者已经说过! 在这里,我们将介绍2023年北美顶级技术解决方案, 由流媒体读者选出.

云图集:电影实验室2030年全行业视觉路线图 & E互操作性

MovieLabs' CTO Jim Helman discusses his experience creating standards for content classification for the Hollywood studios, as well as the MovieLabs ten-year strategy to bring interoperability to as many vendors as possible. The Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR) Helman helped create is a content ID which now holds more than 2.800万的记录使生产和经营的许多方面现代化. He'll also update us on the industry's response to the 2030 Vision strategy to bring interoperability to media creation technologies, 需要更少的定制工程和更好的软件之间的通信, 基础设施, 和服务.

The 2023 流媒体 100: The Top 100 Companies in the 流媒体 Universe

The 流媒体 100 is back—welcome once again to 流媒体's annual list that foregrounds the industry's most innovative and influential technology suppliers, 服务提供商, 平台, 以及媒体和内容公司, 正如我们的编辑团队所赞誉的那样. 其中一些是大型和成熟的行业标准承担者, while others are comparably small and relatively new arrivals that are just beginning to make a splash. All set themselves apart from the crowd with their innovative approach and their contribution to the expansion and maturation of the streaming media universe.


在这篇文章中,我将扩展先前的可持续性方法, 详细说明考虑其他功耗优化领域的原因, and invite diverse stakeholders across streaming workflows to engage with 流媒体 magazine, 率高, and like-minded stakeholders in a mid- to late-2023 initiative around the LESS Accord, with an overall goal of readers recommending measurable best practices for consideration by September 2023.


This article offers a primer on how a traditional broadcaster could start to move services to a cloud provider.


企业视频正在发生转变,从公路战士到远程公司. 委婉地说,这是一种不断变化的状态. 但与此同时,商业状况也是如此. 考虑到这两个事实, the question I'll attempt to answer in this year's State of Enterprise Video is whether these coexistent movements will occur in lockstep or as polar opposites.

Adventures in the Movieverse: Web3, Blockchain, Eluvio, and the Future of Streaming

The movie-watching experience has entered an unprecedented and thrilling new era of full-immersion entertainment with the arrival of a pioneering, 华纳兄弟提供的实时NFT和Web3服务. 首页。 Entertainment: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Extended Edition. 这个Web3电影活动是由Eluvio推动的, a developer of blockchain-based 4K streaming and ticketing technology and the self-described "blockchain home for crypto content."

The Streaming Toolbox: Ateliere Discover, Axinom Mosaic, and nanocosmos nanoStream Cloud

在本文中, I'll look at three tools that provide interesting services for building media services and products. Ateliere Creative Technologies provides not just traditional MAM capabilities but also content management and app delivery. 同样,Axinom也有一个用于构建后端服务的开发平台. nanocosmos expands on the old OVP model by delivering low-latency video for live, 交互产品开发人员. 当我看到两个生成物有一点重叠的时候, 试着把这里的一切都用在一起会很有趣.


读者已经说过! 以下是2022年的顶级技术解决方案, 这是由流媒体的读者决定的.

The 2022 流媒体 50: The 50 Tech Companies That Matter Most in Online Video

欢迎来到2022年流媒体50年, our annual list that foregrounds the industry's most innovative and influential technology suppliers, 服务提供商, 和平台, 正如我们的编辑团队所赞誉的那样. 其中一些是大型和成熟的行业标准承担者, while others are comparably small and relatively new arrivals that are just beginning to make a splash. All set themselves apart from the crowd with their innovative approach and their commitment to serve the customer and advance the industry. 这是我们第五年将榜单限制在50家公司.


The new Brightcove CEO talks about helping enterprises act like media companies.

Event Stream Team's Jimmy Reid Discusses Live Production with a Customized Blackmagic Kit

Jimmy Reid of Event Stream Team talks with 流媒体's Tyler Nesler about his company's improvement in live production performance thanks to their upgrade to a customized Blackmagic ATEM 2 M/E Constellation HD live production switcher kit and their transition to the Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Studio 18 editing, 分级, 视觉效果(VFX)和音频后期制作云端软件.


1600多名读者在22个类别中投票. We'll announce the winners at 流媒体 West in Huntington Beach on November 16, 但这里有一个小笑话——每个类别的前三名得票者. 你可能会对你看到的名字感到惊讶.

教程:构建用于vMix的远程AWS EC2服务器

Are you curious as to what the AWS EC2 server is all about and what it can do for you? Let's say that your current computer setup is subpar or perhaps you need a second unit for remote production using vMix. EC2是一个可行的解决方案.

YoloBox Mini

在这篇综述中, 我要看看YoloLiv最新的小流媒体盒, YoloBox Mini


The uses for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)—from text identification to contextual advertising to cultural sensitivity—are multiplying. 以下是当今市场上一些最引人注目的产品.

流媒体工具箱:Tedial, Frequency Studio, polytics

The set of tools I'll explore in this article will help you orchestrate workflows, 创建快速广播, 并进行多cdn全球直播管理. 使用所有这些工具, you could get your own channel up and running and deliver it everywhere—even in China. 这些工具是为我演示的. 为了让我测试一个应用程序, 供应商需要提供虚拟数据, 并不是每个人都能在我们的编辑时间内提供它.